zaterdag 9 maart 2013

Jacob of Deventer - Mapmaker

Jacob of Deventer (1500 - 1575) was a publisher of 16th century contemporary maps.  He worked under assignment of Charles V and Filip II.  His home base was Mechelen.  As one of the first, he used trigonometry to create accurate maps, far ahead of the symbolic maps that were created in the middle ages and still used at that time.

His maps can be viewed here in great detail on the site of the Royal Library of Belgium.  Here is the map of Mechelen.

The map of Mechelen of Jacob van Deventer was referred to in (at least) two archeological investigations.  The investigations took place when there was digging within the Mechelen city walls.  The maps were then used to determine what could have been located there.  The reports can be found via this link.  Look at reports 110 and 125.

This the link to the Wikipedia entry.

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